Monday, October 26, 2009

Why the double standard?

Should we get rid of affirmative action and other race-based laws?

Our government made race discrimination illegal with the civil rights laws of the '60s, which I totally agree with. No one should be treated unfairly because of race, sex or religion. However, our same government gives special treatment to minorities for government jobs, loans, even housing. If a private employer asked a person for their race on a job application, they would be sued for racial discrimination, but our government can and DOES consider race when giving out govern. jobs, or loans, housing. I even applied for a loan at a private bank online once and they asked me for my race, which I couldn't believe was even possible.

I think special treatment race-based laws do more harm than good. It causes minorities to depend on their skin color and not their skills, which in the long run does serious damage to them. Why the double standard?

Why the double standard?

I have to admit that I took advantage of AA laws to make it though a good school and get a mortgage.

I agree that in some cases they do more harm than good in that it perpetuates a victim mentality that many Americans (not just minorities) seem to thrive off of today. No one is responsible for anything. We're blaming slavery, our parents, religion, blah blah blah. There are plenty of people who have done amazing things with there lives without a hand out.

I'm grateful for the financial aid that I received (and it only paid a fraction of my tuition, but it was better than $0), but I did feel uncomfortable when I learned that I only needed a C average to get into great schools while my white friends had to have a near perfect GPA and SAT scores. I don't want to get things because of the color of my skin - it breeds resentment in others and I have to work 10 x harder to prove myself to over come the perceived favoritism and the negative stereotypes plaguing the black community.

However, I've also know people who for reasons beyond their control (disfuctional home life) who got bad grades, etc, and AA gave them a 2nd chance to get out and get up.

So, I can see the role, but I'm beginning to wonder if it's outlived it's usefulness, especially in a society when the white population will soon only be 50% of the entire population.

Why the double standard?

Affirmitive Action exists to apease the blacks that complain about everything.

You should read Kevin Blakistone in the Dallas Morning News. He complains just as much as any black person I know.

Why the double standard?

I think Affirmative Action is reversed discrimination.

Why the double standard?

The double standard is there that the government feels pressure to have its officials and employees reflect the ethnic diversity in the nation.

For loans and housing- Perhaps, although I haven't come across it. Perhaps less minorities apply for housing and loans than what is their part of the population- in such a case the government could feel- perhaps unjustly to favour minorities.

Why the double standard?

jobs shoud go to the people that can do them the best . Race , Religion , sex nor age shoud have nothing to do with the pick

In fact the only questions on the application shou deal with the job and nothing dealing with the person. Not even a name.. Just numbered applications.

Why the double standard?

It not only is wrong but doesn't even then make these minorities happy, they still want more! Worse our tax dollars goes into this and then they turn around and slap me in the face saying it isn't good enough! I think people need to step up and start protesting this and get more people aware of whats going on.

Why the double standard?

Amen brother!

Why the double standard?

The UK has just introduced a whole new raft of discrimination laws that are intended to promote fairness in the workplace. These include measures to prevent discrimination against race, sex and now age. These attributes are to be ignored when vetting for prospective employees.

However, these practices are, in part, unworkable. Although an employer cannot discriminate against sex and race it is almost impossible to guarantee that this is the case. When looking through a pile of resumes it can be obvious that prospective candidates will fit certain profiles - variations in names along racial lines, etc.

It may be that there is still discrimination in place on a subconsious level in some cases. I think that this is where positive discrimination comes to the fore. In countries like the US, where litigation is so prevalent, some companies (and the government also) are paranoid about getting busted for discrimination. They put these measures in place as a safety net, but at the same time they are causing friction.

In an ideal world we wouldn't need these measures, and we will all live in the most perfect meritocracy. However, we are far from this state, so these policies are keeping us all in check.

Why the double standard?

I think is was necessary up until about five years ago. Now I see so many successful people of color, starting their own companies and going to college and doing well by any standard, that I see less of a necessity for it. But I still think it should be tracked to make sure bias won't reappear for a while yet. Yes, its true that there is still disproportionate poverty, but I really don't think that's going to have a solution outside of the community these people (and I mean any group of people here so don't get angry)are in. When one of your own tells you to buckle down, go to school, do well, go to college, don't have babies before marriage, it means so much more than an outsider or dogooder sticking her nose in.

Why the double standard?

Affirmative action began as a corrective measure for governmental and social injustices against demographic groups that are said to have been subjected to prejudice in areas such as employment and education. The stated goal of Affirmative Action is to sufficiently counter past discrimination such that a strategy will no longer be necessary: the power elite will reflect the demographics of society at large.

Targetted groups may be characterized by race, gender, or ethnicity. In India, the focus has mostly been on undoing caste discrimination. In South Africa, the focus has been primarily race-based and, to a lesser extent, sex-based discimination. When members of targeted groups are actively sought or preferred, the reason given is usually that this is necessary to compensate for advantages that other groups are said to have had (such as through institutional racism or institutional sexism or historical circumstances).

The theory is that a simple adoption of meritocratic principles along the lines of race-blindness or gender-blindness will not suffice to change the situation for several reasons:

Discrimination practices of the past preclude the acquisition of 'merit' by limiting access to educational opportunities and job experiences.

Ostensible measures of 'merit' may well be biased toward the same groups who are already empowered.

Regardless of overt principles, people already in positions of power are likely to hire people they already know, and/or people from similar backgrounds.

Proponents of affirmative action generally advocate it either as a means to address past discrimination or to enhance racial, ethnic, gender, or other diversity. [2] They may argue that the end result 閳?a more diversified student body, police-force or other group 閳?justifies the means.

Many claim that it has unintended and undesireable side-effects and that it fails to achieve its goals. They argue that it can act as reverse discrimination, perpetrate new wrongs to counter old ones, and instill a sense of victimhood in the majority. It may increase racial tension and benefit the more privileged people within minority groups (such as middle to upper class blacks) at the expense of the disenfranchised within majority groups (such as poor whites). In the British 2001 Summer Of Violence Riots in Oldham, Bradford, Leeds and Burnley, one of the major complaints voiced in poor white areas was alleged discrimination in council funding which favoured minority areas.

There are also claims that the practice is itself racist and/or sexist. Finally critics and supporters disagree on the economic effects of affirmative action. Others believe that programmes may be motivated by political considerations.

Affirmative action in international human rights law

The International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination stipulates (in Article 2.2) that affirmative action programmes may be required of states that have ratified the convention, in order to rectify systematic discrimination. It states however that such programmes %26quot;shall in no case entail as a consequence the maintenance of unequal or separate rights for different racial groups after the objectives for which they were taken have been achieved%26quot;. Positive discrimination, on the other hand, even if intended to improve the lot of disadvantaged groups, is considered illegal in international human rights law, as is any kind of discrimination.

An in-depth examination of the legal status of affirmative action, and the different kinds of programmes that exist and their pros and cons, can be found in a paper written for the United Nations Sub-Commission on the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights by one of its members, Marc Bossuyt[3].

Implementation worldwide

In some countries which have laws on racial equality, affirmative action is rendered illegal by a requirement to treat all races equally. This approach of equal treatment is sometimes described as being %26quot;race-blind%26quot;, in hopes that it is effective against discrimination without engaging in reverse discrimination.

In such countries, the focus tends to be on ensuring equal opportunity and, for example, targeted advertising campaigns to encourage ethnic minority candidates to join the police force. This is sometimes described as %26quot;positive action%26quot;, as opposed to %26quot;positive discrimination%26quot;.

In the United States, affirmative action mostly applies at transition points閳ユ敄imes when individuals are changing their employment or enrollment. Employers and universities often have policies favoring black, hispanic or female applicants. In states like California and New York, immigrants, both legal and illegal, receive affirmative action benefits as well.

Affirmative action has been the subject of numerous court cases, and has been contested on constitutional grounds. Writing in 1998, L. Anita Richardson commented that U.S. courts have generally accepted affirmative action as a remedy for actual present-time discrimination; rejected it outright for the goal of simply promoting diversity; and that %26quot;There is much debate閳?about dealing with the lingering, pernicious effects of past racial discrimination%26quot;.

Why the double standard?

You are viewing this the wrong way altogether. First off skin color has nothing to do with it, I am a Mexican woman, and I am not brown. I have light colored skin. And your talking about the whole race, do you not realize that there is more to each race than what you are made to see? And the few people that do take advantage of what the government offers, and let me make it clear that %26quot;white people%26quot; do exactly the same thing, do not represent a race as a whole.

I agree with you on the fact that no, race should not play a factor in many of the things you mentioned. But unfortunately it does, and its not the people who have made it that way. The government makes their own rules, their own requirements, if the government wouldn't facilitate all of these things would they be happening??

Why the double standard?

You have two ways to look at it. The first is the concept of social darwinism. If you're good enough, you'll succeed and no help is ever needed.

However, it's hard to argue that it's more difficult to succeed as the first of any group. Affirmative action programs have encouraged companies to spend a little more effort to find qualified canidates that may not look the same as all the people they already have. Over time, it's helped people come to the understanding that you can have competent (and incompetent) people from any group.

Is affirmative action still needed is a hard question to prove one way or another. But without the push to try, we may not have the variety of professionals we have today. Female doctors, black lawyers, chinese architects etc are all part of our work force and we have the chance to take advantage of the skills of best our country can find.

Now, just about anyone can claim some form of minority status, and I don't know of too many serious abuses of diversity programs in corporate america today. I know I think it helped that my college tried to get a diverse mix. Did some white person of equal qualifications have to go to another school? Possibly. But having the collection of the diverse backgrounds was a learning experience for me that I'm grateful for.

Why the double standard?

The %26quot;double standard%26quot; is the most important part of politics and government. %26quot; Do as I say, not as I do%26quot; These laws do much more good for government than they do for anyone else. This technique perpetuates discrimination between the little guy ( The People ) while the ruling power can claim to be only trying to %26quot;Fix%26quot; the problem, while the little guy bickers and grows more discriminative because of the supposed %26quot;special favors%26quot; ( because they care so much ) the government puts out there.

All pat of the %26quot; Manipulation Game %26quot;

All humans DNA is 99.9% exactly the same, also out of 35,000 genes, only 10 represent color.

Race is not the problem, the problem is our willingness to be %26quot;Sheeple%26quot;

Are you in need of loans????

This is Mr Willing a registered and a well certified money lender who offer loans to people with a low interest rate and also with so much considerations,so, i will advice you to come to this firm and apply for your loan here so that you can solve your financial problems or pay off your bills.



Are you in need of loans????

vultures are starting to circle and here comes one now!!!!!

Are you in need of loans????

Go away little man, you bother me...

Are you in need of loans????

You know, when offering to lend money using proper grammar is always a really cool know, just as a change of pace


Quit the job for a full-time MBA or do a part-time MBA while working?

I'm a junior manager with 4 years of experience. I'd like to get a better paying job with a higher set of responsibilities.

Should I quit my job, apply for a loan and do a full-time MBA. (The loan's hell of a lot!) Or should I stick on at work, do a part-time MBA....and then move on elsewhere once I'm done studying?

Quit the job for a full-time MBA or do a part-time MBA while working?

Do the part-time MBA. It will take longer, but you'll end up with less debt, and your current employer may pick up part of the tab (check with your HR department). You may also be eligible for a better position at your current company part-way through the program.

Quit the job for a full-time MBA or do a part-time MBA while working?

just take a little step up from both and instead of getting MBA, get into the NBA, pays very well.

Quit the job for a full-time MBA or do a part-time MBA while working?

If you can afford full time, go for it. If you can't, work while you're earning it. The ideal would be going full time, but if that's out of your price range, the part time thing is OK. Whatever you do, sweetie, just make sure you go for the degree full heartedly. Your degree will determine your fate. You need the best you can get!

Quit the job for a full-time MBA or do a part-time MBA while working?

I would see if your company will help pay for it! If they will cover some or all of the expense, then go part time for sure!

I would only quit if you hate your job. Other than that, I would try to stay part time so that you can save money.

Two Subsidized Loans At Once?

I Had Got a subsidized loans for the fall 07 and spring 08 I recetly got the other half,and I just applied for subsidized and unsubsidzed for the spring of I know i'll get the unsubsidized..but are they gonna give me another subsidized for the same semster?

Two Subsidized Loans At Once?

I'm confused by your question here....

You say you just applied for both loans for the spring of '08 (the FAFSA)--is this the application for the '08-'09 school year, or did you make changes to your application in hopes for the current spring semester?

Your FAFSA application is good for one entire school year as indicated on the website. The application that got you your aid for the fall semester is the SAME one that applies to the spring semester of the same school year. If you filled out an application this month, you most likely filled out the application for next school year. However, you don't indicate this in your question description!

The federal aid basically decides your college expenses, your EFC, and allocates a maximum amount of loans and aid that you can receive. If you declined the subsidized for the fall '07 semester, but accepted it this semester, then yes--you will get it. There is only one subsidized loan you can receive for federal aid. They divide up your loan into two segments, based on what amount you choose to accept, and give out the dividend at each semester.

Help with getting a vehicle.?

As an Ohio resident, I'm not sure if there are any agencies that can help with getting a vehicle.

I am a 40 year old single mom who is not working at the moment. I have a very limited income that still leaves me scrapping to pay all of the monthly bills. I am going through chemo for cancer and it is really making things difficult. I have a an '88 which is on it's last leg. Even if I sell this scrap, it leaves not much to get another hunk of junk. Forget a loan, forget applying for financing, I don't have enough income to make payments of any amount.

Is there any place to turn? Anyplace that would help? Even if a promisary note was signed and bare minimum payments were agreed what might be left after the utlities were paid monthly? I've got to have some form of transportation (without having to ask others) in order to get back and forth for treatments, get meds and to the store and to pay the bills.

Desperate need of assistance here. Any ideas?

Help with getting a vehicle.?

Check with the people you are going to for your treatment. There should me some type of medical service that provides transportation to get to your treatments. As far as giving you a car goes I think you can forget that. Also if you asked this on your home computer it might be time to think of getting rid of it and what ever your paying for Internet access. You appear to have more important things to speed money on.

How do I determine how much my business is worth?

I am applying for a loan and want to list my business as an asset, but I am not sure how determine it's worth. I bought an Exit Realty Franchise; I paid $30k for the franchise, plus all the office equipment, insurance, ect. I use the money from my commissions to pay the bills and the rest goes as my salary. As of now very little money has gone into the %26quot;business%26quot; except expenses. My agents have yet to close any deals. So without a real financial statement, is my business worth anything when I am pocketing profit? Yes I know I am not a very good businesswoman, you don't have to tell me.

How do I determine how much my business is worth?

you probably could have started a real estate agency without a franchise - just work as an agent for a major brand. That type of business is hard to value - because if YOU leave, there is NO revenue, so it's basically worthless to try and sell

Going to college in a totally different state?

I am really nervous going to a place I have never been. I am planning on going to college in Long Island, NY; at the Briarcliffe college to study Digital photography. I have never been there but plan on visiting before applying and meeting with the adminstrators there. Getting all my information and what i need filled out to get financial aid, loans and apply for grants.

I have only really been through New York going through, I wonder if I should just go for it and set my fears aside. I have lived in a rural area all my life in New England area. I wonder if i could stand dorming and staying in the city. Do you think I should just go for it?

I am coming from a place where there are mountains, folliage that changes in the fall, cows!, farms, no traffic only in major towns/cities, no sky scrapers...

Going to college in a totally different state?

I say go for it. First of all, let me explain to you how NY works. There is the state and than the city (5 boroghs). I grew up in Brooklyn. Long Island is far from a city, busy, place. I visited colleges in Long Island. It is a very quiet, peaceful place to be. I decided to go away to school, and think its the best thing Ive ever done! You meet wonderful ppl who will always be apart of ur life and the memories are great! Going away is a perfect opp. for u to get away and grow. Learn new things and meet diff. ppl. I hope u make the right decision-I wish u the best!

Going to college in a totally different state?

Get ready for the time of your life. Culture, People and exchanges.

Grew up in NY and first job as a reporter in Oklahoma. What a buch of hicks Loved it .............. learned many things about me and the rest of the world.

This is your time to excell.

If the LTV is 80% for a buy-to-let mortgage, and the couple can find 鎷?0,000 themselves how much can

James and Sarah wish to buy a property that will be used for student lets. Assuming that they can find 鎷?0,000 from their own resources, what is the maximum sum that they can potentially borrow from thie lender, applying the standard percentage of loan to propertyvalue of 80%. The most important part I am looking for is the working out.

A 鎷?60,000

B 鎷?00,000

C 鎷?26,667

D 鎷?60,000

If the LTV is 80% for a buy-to-let mortgage, and the couple can find 鎷?0,000 themselves how much can they lend

The down payment is 20%. Therefore 鎷?0,000 / .2 = 鎷?00,000 for the total purchase price and 鎷?60,000 for the mortgage. Your answer is A.

If the LTV is 80% for a buy-to-let mortgage, and the couple can find 鎷?0,000 themselves how much can they lend

鎷?0,000 would be 20%, so multiply this by 4 to get 80%. So loan would be 鎷?80,000

If the LTV is 80% for a buy-to-let mortgage, and the couple can find 鎷?0,000 themselves how much can they lend

They could borrow 鎷?60,000 (4x 鎷?0,000) making the total purchase price 鎷?00,000

If the LTV is 80% for a buy-to-let mortgage, and the couple can find 鎷?0,000 themselves how much can they lend

Deposit / 20 * 100 = Purchase Price

Purchase Price / 100 * 20 = Deposit Required

Purchase Price / 100 * 80 = Loan Required

Loan / 80 * 100 = Purchase Price

(and the above answer is A 鎷?60k borrowed, 鎷?0k deposit)

This reads like it is homework !

Which university should I choose?? U of Maryland or U of Richmond?? Thank you for your advices!!!!?

Hi,is any one can give me some opinions about these two schools?which one I should attend will be better for my future..

UM is a bigger school but have many big classes and TA classes, but have many professors have good backgrounds as well. UM also have more diverse students, but pretty much gooood students that I need to compete with, too.UR is smaller, and small classes, all taught by professors...but it looks those professors not as good backgrounds as UM's . Obviously, less students, and more opportunities to get involve in school lives.Since UM is public school, it is usuallymore %26quot;massy%26quot; than a small private school U of Richmond, and has lower quality in teaching or forcusing students since is TOO BIG, or we can say UR propably has better learnning enviroment?However many people say, UM has better reputation than UR, which can add more weight to my resume in the future.Btw, I got a lot financial aid from UR which I dont need to work study and apply for loan, but in UM I need to..

Which university should I choose?? U of Maryland or U of Richmond?? Thank you for your advices!!!!?

I'd say if you can get financial aid, go for it. I live in northern Virginia and went to UM, which is closer. I loved the place. A professor's resume doesn't tell you anything, and after elementary school, class size doesn't count for much.

Which university should I choose?? U of Maryland or U of Richmond?? Thank you for your advices!!!!?

You can get a good education anywhere... It all depends on you. You can go to the best school in USA and still not become all depends on you and your hard work... Good Luck!!! :)

Which university should I choose?? U of Maryland or U of Richmond?? Thank you for your advices!!!!?

Which UM are you talking about? There is one in College Park, MD and another in Baltimore, MD

The University of Maryland at College Park as a very good business school. It is better than UM at Baltimore and U of Richmond. The business school at UM in College park is ranked #30 on Business Week's Undergraduate business rankings list.

You didnt say which UM you got into, so I dont know if you are talking about Univ of Maryland at College Park. If you did get accepted to University of Maryland at College Park, you should go there.

Between my new spouse and I, we make roughly about $94,000 gross.?

We do not have the best credit due to a bad previous divorce for her, and %26quot;student loans gone bad%26quot; for me because I did not get a good paying job immediately after school.

We are now both working and earning almost 55% and 45% of the family gross for her and myself respectively.

We are trying to purchase a car and the bank has approved our loan. Due to the poor credit, they have approved $275 bi-weekly over 84 months. When we applied, we were asking for $204 bi-weekly over 96 months with zero down and 8% interest. We have a $3000 savings account. My spouse is retiring in 5 years.

Our question is this: should we go for this loan in the hope of building a good credit? We find the $275 a bit high though. Is this worth it? please consider also that when my spouse retires, I am going to be the principal earner with a bad credit

Please we need your honest opinion and thank you for your help

Between my new spouse and I, we make roughly about $94,000 gross.?

If you are buying your home and have all these debts, perhaps you should consider consolidating all your bills including the car so you'll only have 1 payment to make. Make sure you get a fixed rate with an open end, which means you can pay down the mortgage anytime. I realize others will tell you that's crazy but you still have to make the final decision.

Between my new spouse and I, we make roughly about $94,000 gross.?

too high and too long. get a much cheaper car for now, and SAVE money for a year or two, and then buy what you want.

Between my new spouse and I, we make roughly about $94,000 gross.?

I am not sure how competative the rate is, but you should look for alternative providers and make sure that this is the market rate. If it is the market rate, and you really need/want the car, then make sure your cashflow can support it, or else you will wind up with even worse credit. Bigger question is you make almost $100K gross, and only have 3K in savings? There is a big issue there, unless you have alot of money tied up in illiquid assets, like real estate, but that is unlikely given we are talking about a small car loan. Next thing is that you are talking about situations from likely decades ago (student loans, first job after school), that are still impacting your credit, especially given that you are about to retire. The best thing IMHO is that you need to save as much as you can. You cannot retire with only 3K in the bank. See a financial specialist to review your spending habits. Social Security will not be enough.

Between my new spouse and I, we make roughly about $94,000 gross.?

Over that length of time, it is way to high and to long to commit for. I would go for a much cheaper car for now, and then get the better one when I had at least 50% as a down payment. By then you will probably have a much better credit rating, and you will be able to get more of the terms that you want.

Between my new spouse and I, we make roughly about $94,000 gross.?

It's impossible to say if the $550 per month is a good or bad deal withhout knowing the interest rate (APR) on the loan. 84 months does indicate that you've got credit problems, a 48 or 60 month car loan is standard. Obviously, the longer the life of the loan, the more total interest you have to pay. I recommend you should look into a cheaper vehicle, one that is more affordable and which would allow you better loan terms. This is especially true because you have a 7-year loan and your wife will retire in 5 years, which means the family income will drop then also.

If you pay this loan on time, yes, it will help you improve your credit rating significantly.

Between my new spouse and I, we make roughly about $94,000 gross.?

I think buying a used car is your best bet. I can't see paying for a car loan for 7-8 years. It's too long. The car is depreciated as soon as you take it out of the parking lot. In the past, 3 years was long enough for me. I didn't know they have car loan for 7-8 years nowadays. If you get this car, when your spouse is retiring, you still have to pay for your car loan.

Since your spouse is retired soon. If you don't want to buy a used car, find something else is a little more reasonable. Since you don't have any money down, obviously you don't have enough for savings for your golden years. $3000 in your saving near your retirement is not enough to live for one month. Perhaps you should put money in your retirement account instead of buying a $46,000 car.

I hate to say this but who do you try to impress?

Between my new spouse and I, we make roughly about $94,000 gross.?

Take out a 5 year loan. If that's too much of a payment, buy something less expensive.

You should be making enough money to pay off your old bad credit stuff and clean up your credit instead of thinking of it as free money. Tax payers get to pay the stuff you don't.

But you want to plan paying off bills as you retire so you're not miserable when you do.

Drowning in undergrad student loans.. can i get gradaute school for next to free??

$130,000 total in undergrad debts b/w my hubby and I. My husband was accepted into a phd program last year but received zero in financial aid help except for more loans. He deferred for a year and has applied to other schools this year.

We just found out we're pregnant and therefore our financial situation will change before he beings a program. Any advise on getting graduate school paid for without resorting to more loans??

Drowning in undergrad student loans.. can i get gradaute school for next to free??

Most top PhD programs will five you enough financial aid to cover tuition, fees, room and board. Most master's programs and professional schools (JD, MBA, MD) will not.

Drowning in undergrad student loans.. can i get gradaute school for next to free??

Depending on his major, there are corporations out here that will finance his education in exchange for a guaranteed promise that he will work for them for x-number of years. I also understand that the student loan rate has dropped for this year, check it out and see if you can refinance and make the payments less.

Also, if he gets a job some jobs will pay the cost of the classes while he is working for them.

The only other thing to do is to wait until some of the debt is paid down or approach both sets of parents and see if there is anyway they can help.

Drowning in undergrad student loans.. can i get gradaute school for next to free??

At my school (uiuc) most grad students work for the university, within their own departments as TA's, assistants, or researchers. In which case they are considered to have an %26quot;assistantship%26quot; and the tuition for them is waived. They also get a stipend and whatever wages they earn at their job.

I know some other universities have a similar system so you should look into that.

Drowning in undergrad student loans.. can i get gradaute school for next to free??

Financial Aid; Scholarship. Why not just loan??? It is the best way to go!

Drowning in undergrad student loans.. can i get gradaute school for next to free??

this is a site i've used to help me lower my student loan. i really recommend it! just go there and fill out the form.

Have u heard Of Mega city servies?They say no Td Money orders Why?

I applied for a loan they ask a security deposit,they say do not send Td Bank money orders.Has anyone loaned through here just checking if its a scam.Better Business bureau has nothing on them.

Have u heard Of Mega city servies?They say no Td Money orders Why?





Mega City Services

Matthew Burk

Financial Consultant

Phone/Fax: 416-364-3527


Have u heard Of Mega city servies?They say no Td Money orders Why?

U are incorrect--I am the BBB and there is indeed a report on this company....

BBB Reliability Report

The Better Business Bureau庐

Serving Mid-Western %26amp; Central Ontario

354 Charles Street East

Kitchener, ON N2G 4L5

(519) 579-3080 or 1-800-459-8875

Mega City Services

607 - 4936 Yonge St

North York, ON M2N 6S3

Telephone: (416) 364-4936

The BBB reports on members and non-members. If a company is a member of the BBB, it is stated in this report

BBB Definition:

report - A summary of activity reflected in a company's BBB file. Includes basic business background, BBB membership information, and Bureau complaint activity over the previous three years. Also reports may include any known government actions, advertising issues or other information that results from activity conducted by the BBB.


Principal: Mr. Patrick Kondo

Customer Contact: Mr. Patrick Kondo

File Open Date: January 2007

TOB Classification: Advance Fee Brokers

BBB Membership: This company is not a member.

The Bureau develops a full report

BBB Definition:

report - A summary of activity reflected in a company's BBB file. Includes basic business background, BBB membership information, and Bureau complaint activity over the previous three years. Also reports may include any known government actions, advertising issues or other information that results from activity conducted by the BBB.

on a firm based on inquiry or complaint activity. This company first came to our attention in January 2007. We are attempting to develop more information on the company. At the present time we do not have enough information to issue a full report

BBB Definition:

report - A summary of activity reflected in a company's BBB file. Includes basic business background, BBB membership information, and Bureau complaint activity over the previous three years. Also reports may include any known government actions, advertising issues or other information that results from activity conducted by the BBB.

. The BBB suggests you read and understand company promotional materials and contracts and check company references and licensing, where applicable.

Customer Experience

The Bureau processed a total of 0 complaints about this company in the last 36 months, our standard reporting period.

Company Management

Additional company management personnel include:

Mr Paul Staples

Ms. Rachel Cameron

Mr. Matthew Burke

Additional Addresses, Telephone Numbers, and Email Addresses

Additional Addresses

120 - 84 1/2 Adelaide St East

Toronto, ON M5C 1B5

Tel: (416) 364-3527

Additional Phone Numbers

Tel: (416) 364-7285

Additional Email Addresses

Industry Tips

Advance Fee Brokers

We recommend that you proceed with caution when dealing with any unfamiliar loan company requesting an upfront fee, you may wish to contact Project Phonebusters for additional information. They can be reached at 1-888-495-8501 or by email at

Free Cash Grants are Too Good to Be True

Consumers Beware of Advance Fee Loans

Canadian Scams

Alert: Canadian-Based Loan Scams Are Blanketing The U.S.


Report as of February 21, 2007

Copyright漏 2007 Better Business Bureau庐, Inc.

If you choose to do business with this company, please let the company know that you contacted the Better Business Bureau for a report.

BBB reports may not be reproduced for sales or promotional purposes.

The information in this report has either been provided by the company or has been compiled by the Bureau from other reliable sources.

As a matter of policy, the Better Business Bureau does not endorse any product, service or company. BBB reports generally cover a three-year reporting period, and are provided solely to assist you in exercising your own best judgment. Information contained in this report is believed reliable but not guaranteed as to accuracy. Reports are subject to change at any time.

go to to view for yourself...simply type in the company name

Have u heard Of Mega city servies?They say no Td Money orders Why?

Not sure about the money order thing, but i got my loan threw them just yesterday.

Have u heard Of Mega city servies?They say no Td Money orders Why?

do not use these guys they r formally known as canadian lenders association they r a scam

Have u heard Of Mega city servies?They say no Td Money orders Why?

yes i i have, they ripped me off and kept the deposit phone the phone busters they will tell you the same 1-888-495-8501 they are a provincial agency, in ontario these are the people you beleive before them

If I am trying to finance a motorcycle, which would be the smarter way to go about it??

Should I try and go through a business I am already doing business with like the finance companies for my two vehicles, or should I apply for loans on these websites like and, thanks for any help guys

If I am trying to finance a motorcycle, which would be the smarter way to go about it??

The smartest way? Save up for it.

The second smartest way? Shop around, rates are rates. You may have better luck getting approved at a place you've done business with before, but that doesn't mean it should be the only one you check out.

If I am trying to finance a motorcycle, which would be the smarter way to go about it??

For something as important as borrowing money, I really like to go in and see an actual person - especially if you have past business with the finance company - since they likely know you or at least have your file from past loans, the motorcycle loan should be a more simple matter.

If I am trying to finance a motorcycle, which would be the smarter way to go about it??

Are you buying the bike from a dealer or private seller? All dealers have own financing. Secondly, your finance companies currently dealing with, may not want give you a third loan for another vehicle, especially a bike.

Home Buyers Loan or Grant?

Is there any place to apply for a home buyers grant or low interest loan for the down payment?

Home Buyers Loan or Grant?

Yes, most states offer first time home buyer programs. The programs can range from downpayment grants that don't have to be repaid and low-interest loans. Check out the link below to see if you qualify for your state's program. Good luck!

Home Buyers Loan or Grant?

It is very general.

May be you can have a look here

I need some help on goverment grants.?

I am going back to school in August. I will apply for scholarships but, I wanted to know about goverment grants for school and how can I go about applying for them. I really can't take out anymore loans for school I am already in debt with them. Can someone give me some insight.

I need some help on goverment grants.?

It might be a little too late for scholarships since many application deadlines have already happened. However, it might not be too late for Pell Grants, but they are dependent upon your family's income and savings. I will list some free resources to locate tuition money for college.

First, the college's financial aid office and website has a list of private scholarships offered from outside organizations and companies. Sometimes a college major's website will list scholarships, too.

Second, the public library has a book listing scholarships with some not even listed on the web.

Third, fill out the FAFSA form after January 1 of your senior year of high school. It will qualify her for need based financial aid from the federal government and the school itself. It will come in the form of scholarships, Pell Grant, student loans, and the work study program.

Finally, I recommend joining several free membership scholarship search websites. There are scholarships for a variety of things including ethnicity, clubs, hobbies, and even wearing duct tape to the high school prom. Most are updated on a regular basis. Most offer a customized search based on information entered onto a form on the website.

Good luck!

I need some help on goverment grants.?

Start with the financial aid department at the school. They will know better than anyone what's available and where the scams are

I need some help on goverment grants.?



Northern Rock!!!!?

Breaking news here in The UK.

Northern Rock one of the top 5 banks responsible for mortgages in our country has applied and been granted by The Bank of England for a loan to help them out of their present financial position.

It is 7 a.m 14th Sept over here and already pundits are nervous.

Our stock market has not yet opened but when it does there will be extreme trading.

The reason for this company asking for this loan is that Northern Rock has run out of U.S institutions for giving them loans.

So although Northern Rock have 113 billion dollars in assets and approx 23 billion dollars from it's own investors it has made every one very nervous.

Perhaps we are about to see a collapse in our housing market over here.

Your thoughts.

Thank you.

Northern Rock!!!!?

There are still enough very rich institutions to come forward to save the situation if they judge a crash is inevitable. They are playing 'blink' right now.

Going to College - How - Steps - Scholorships - HELP!!?

I'm a junior and need some tips about going to college. First-off i'm definetly going but for example, when applying to college, is there a limit to how many i can apply to? Or like when i should apply. How should i apply? Should i call in or is there something online?

With paying for college, what path should i take? Government Loans? Wachoiva Bank Student Loans? What about scholorships? How to recieve those?

Just need some basics about college info, it would be very helpful!

Thank You!

Going to College - How - Steps - Scholorships - HELP!!?

for scholarships, go to and get you an account there. its free and can help you in getting entry forms for all kinds of scholarships. and probably going to a community college or something for your basics isnt a bad idea. its ALOT cheaper and gives you more time to save up for the big days at a university.

Going to College - How - Steps - Scholorships - HELP!!?

You can apply to as many places as you wish.

As to finances, you should talk with a financial aid officer to find out what steps you need to take to get the money you require for school.

Going to College - How - Steps - Scholorships - HELP!!?

there is no limit. most colleges have their applications online, if they don't they will have contact information. alot of colleges take the common application, which can also be found online. you will fill out the FAFSA the year you go to college, this form will be used to determine how much you and your parents should be able to pay, how much the college will give you in grants, and how much you will be asked to take out in a loan. colleges will all differ on how much they are willing to give you in a grant, and some do work aid programs where you work on campus to help pay for tuition. as for who to take the loan out with, who ever you want to.

Going to College - How - Steps - Scholorships - HELP!!?

Apply to as many colleges as you want, but they each have application fees. make sure that you qualify for the ones you apply so you do not waste money. Look up the schools websites to get the admission packet. You can go to the library or the bookstore to get the Princeton review of colleges to help you get a rough idea about the schools.

Hopefully you have taken the SAT, if not sign up ASAP to take the next one (probably in the fall). you will need to give them a list of schools to send your results.

Each school has admission deadlines. If they do not, November 15th is a good date to keep in mind.

Fastweb is a great site, but do not let it be your only source. research your town. Many groups like Rotary, Lions, AAUW, and others give scholarships to local kids. Also if your parents went to college somewhere you may want to go, many schools offer legacy scholarships.

Read each school financial aid info when you apply. You often have to submit financial applications BEFORE you get acceptance letters.

Avoid student loans if you can. Depending on your financial situation, you may need to, but go with all other options first -- scholarships, grants, go with government loans first, then private.

Can anybody tell me some ways to pay for college? I am planning on going out of state & i was js

get an estimate on how much i will need per month %26amp; it came out to be $1764. That includes everything like apt, transportation, tuition, books, other expenses, %26amp; so on. Which means i need to find a way to earn $1764/month... i dont want to put all this expenses on my parents coz, my older sister is also going to college this yr. %26amp; my parents will end up paying for her to and i am trying my best to take less money possible as loan. I applied for scholarship's %26amp; FAFSA(not sure if i will get it coz last yr., when my sister went to Community college she applied and she didnt get anything becoz they said my parents make above average), but the gov. has no clue how much our parents lose just cause of Taxes. so not much savings. What do i do?

Can anybody tell me some ways to pay for college? I am planning on going out of state %26amp; i was jsut trying to?

Here are the steps you need to take to get financial aid:

1) Fill out the FAFSA. This will determine if you are eligible for financial aid. Go here:

2) Once you are eligible for aid, choose a government-based student loan. The best loan to get is a Federal Perkins Loan. These have low interest rates and the government will help you pay it back as long as you stay enrolled in school. You also don't need a cosigner or good credit for it. For more info go here:

3) The next best loan to get is a Subsidized Stafford Loan. This has many of the same benefits as a Perkins Loan. Learn more here:

You can also try to get a grant or scholarship, which are both free money sources that you can use to pay for school, and you don't have to pay them back. You can read about grants here:

Here are sites that offer grants:

You can read about scholarships here:

And here are some good sites that offer scholarships:

Good luck!

Why do secured credit cards have APRs (interest rates)?

I was looking into getting a secured credit card, meaning- I prepay for whatever I will be able to spend; so why is it that they have annual percentage rates for a card that doesn't even use their money? The definition of an interest rate is how much the borrower will pay on a LOAN- as this is no loan, I don't understand how this can be applied here?

Why do secured credit cards have APRs (interest rates)?

A secured credit card and a pre-paid card are two different things.

A pre-paid card like greendot is like a gift card. You pay money and it's loaded onto the card. You use the card and the balance goes down.

A secured credit card is an actual credit card account. You deposit $x which is held as collateral for the line of credit. You charge on the card then get a monthly statement billing you for those charges. You then pay all or part. If you carry a balance, you are charged interest.

Why do secured credit cards have APRs (interest rates)?

Because that's how they make money. If you want an interest free card, get a checking account with a debit card.

Why do secured credit cards have APRs (interest rates)?

I hope you get an answer to this as I would like to know.

Why do secured credit cards have APRs (interest rates)?

Here's the deal ( I work for a bank in credit card so here's the facts) opening a secured card is still considered a credit card, yes you determine the credit line according to your deposit but your money is used as collateral for the account to ensure that if you default the bank wont lose there money. Secured cards are for individuals with poor or no credit history . Typically after six months or one year you'll get your deposit back and your credit card will go unsecured. But your not using your own money while the card is secured.

Current Mortgage Rates?

Anyone know where to find current interest rates for 80/20 Loans besides Amerisave? Anyone know how the market is right now for 80/20 loans with excellent credit and all criteria met (DTI ratio's). Looking to apply for a mortgage in 6 weeks and just wondering where it's at.



Current Mortgage Rates?

Don't give Marty, the Premier Loan Shark any information. he is running a scam. Yahoo keeps booting him, but he just signed up again.

The rates vary on differant factors. Talk to a LOCAL mortgage broker (your real estate agent should know a good one) to get the picture for yourself. When you are ready they can provide you quotes from various banks from just one hit on your credit.

If you can make a down payment yourself it would help a LOT. With real estate values dropping it is getting harder to geta 100% loan, as it may end up being more tehn the property is really worth.

Current Mortgage Rates?

Try over here........

Current Mortgage Rates?

The best way is to open up your yellow pages, go to the mortgage section and call 4 or 5 of them, schedule a 30 min meeting, so maybe you can wrap it up in a day. You will sense who is looking for YOUR best interest, not the %26quot;we have closed billions of dollars in loans%26quot; BS line. Negotiate thier costs and commission up front, always up front.

You may get cheap rate and costs with long delays and bad service or nice service with high rates and cost, and maybe just maybe, you get nice rates, reasonable cost and great service.

WORLDS LONGEST QUESTION...Please answer it...?

Let me, if I could, go to the Civil Rights Restoration Act. In 1981, you support an effort by the Department of Education to reverse 17 years of civil right protections at colleges and universities that receive federal funds. Under the new regulations, the definition of federal assistance to colleges and universities would be narrow to exclude certain types of student loans and grants so that fewer institutions would be covered by the civil rights laws. As a result, more colleges and universities would legally be able to discriminate against people of color, women and the disabled. Your efforts to narrow the protection of the civil rights laws did not stop there, however. In 1984, in Grove City v. Bell, the Supreme Court decided, contrary to the Department of Education regulation that you supported, that student loans and grants did indeed constitute federal assistance to colleges for purposes of triggering civil rights protections. But, in a surprising twist, the court concluded that the nondiscrimination laws were intended to apply only to the specific program receiving the funds and not to the institution as a whole. Under that reasoning, a university that received federal aid in the form of tuition could not discriminate in admissions but was free to discriminate in athletics, housing, faculty hiring and any other programs that did not receive the direct funds. If the admissions office didn't discriminate, they got the funds through the admission office, they could discriminate in any other place of the university. A strong bipartisan majority in both the House and the Senate decided to pass another law, the Civil Rights Restoration Act, to make it clear that they intended to prohibit discrimination in all programs and activities of a university that received federal assistance. You vehemently opposed the Civil Rights Restoration Act. Even after the Grove City court found otherwise, you still believed that there was, quote -- and this is your quote -- a good deal of intuitive appeal to the argument that federal loans and grants to students should not be viewed as federal financial assistance to the university. You realize, of course, that these loans and grants to the students were paid to the university as tuition. Then, even though you acknowledged that the program-specific aspect of the Supreme Court decision was going to be overturned by the congressional legislation, you continued to believe that it would be, quote, too onerous for colleges to comply with nondiscrimination laws across the entire university unless it was, quote, on the basis of something more solid than federal aid to students. Judge Roberts, if your position prevailed, it would have been legal in many cases to discriminate in athletics for girls, women. It would have been legal to discriminate in the hiring of teachers. It would have been legal not to provide services or accommodations to the disabled. Do you still believe today that it is too onerous for the government to require universities that accept tuition payments from students who rely on federal grants and loans not to discriminate in any of their programs or activities?

WORLDS LONGEST QUESTION...Please answer it...?

Yes, i think onerous is a good name for a fish!

WORLDS LONGEST QUESTION...Please answer it...?

GOT BLOG?????????????????????

And this has WHAT to do with FISH?

WORLDS LONGEST QUESTION...Please answer it...?

oh yeh definately,,,,lol?

WORLDS LONGEST QUESTION...Please answer it...?

Discrimination and tuition fees have WHAT to do with fish?

WORLDS LONGEST QUESTION...Please answer it...?


WORLDS LONGEST QUESTION...Please answer it...?


WORLDS LONGEST QUESTION...Please answer it...?

i don't think government grants should be based on whether a person is a fish or not...

WORLDS LONGEST QUESTION...Please answer it...?


WORLDS LONGEST QUESTION...Please answer it...?

yeah I think fish need educated too give them a grant!!!! lol!!!

WORLDS LONGEST QUESTION...Please answer it...?

It may be the longest question - but it's in the wrong category.

Will workforce help you pay for college?

I'm a single mother, and I want to go back to school. I'm trying to AVOID student loans because of lack of money, I'm going to apply for FASFA, and some pell grants, but what else is out there for aid? Someone told me workforce helped pay for school, I'm wanting to apply at a cosmetology school. Thanks

Will workforce help you pay for college?

Yes, sometimes workforce will pay people to go to school. The program is called WIA (workforce investment act) but I doubt they will pay for cosmetology school. The program has to be a high demand occupation and it is not.

Couldn't hurt to ask though.

When someone uses YOUR SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER and messes up your credit!!!!!!!!!!!!?

a friend of mine is in a bind. please give any advice you my have. her mom, who is %26quot;old fashioned%26quot; has always depended on using cash and has never appllied for a credit card, or needed to apply for a loan, buy a home, or anything that required a credit check. that is until two months ago, when my friends mom and her went to the bank to try and have her mom co-sign for a small business loan. her mom should have been approved right? but the bank said that her credt was very bad. this is when they ordered a report from a credit agency..... they found out that someone in the human resources department of where her mom works that has a known gambling problem used her mom's information to apply for credit and list her name as %26quot;AKA%26quot;. this means that my friends mom would have her credit and her reputaion damaged right?

please help me to help my friend. what can we do about this person who used my friend's mom's identity as her own??????

is this what you call identity theft???

When someone uses YOUR SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER and messes up your credit!!!!!!!!!!!!?

She should file a police report immediately.

Then she should pull all three credit reports and make a list of the accounts that she %26quot;knows%26quot; is not hers.

Then she send a copy of the police report to all three credit bureaus along with a letter listing all of the accounts in dispute.

They will place a fraud alert on her files. It will make it a hassle for your friends mom to apply for credit, but not impossible.

When someone uses YOUR SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER and messes up your credit!!!!!!!!!!!!?

The person that did that is in big trouble and should be prosecuted. After being prosecuted send the court papers to all the credit reporting agencies and they will remove the negatives.

When someone uses YOUR SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER and messes up your credit!!!!!!!!!!!!?

Yes that is identity theft. Sorry! It should be reported ASAP!

When someone uses YOUR SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER and messes up your credit!!!!!!!!!!!!?

find that HR person and SUE THAT BIT*CH. sue the company too. you'll get so much money that she won't even care what her credit score is.

When someone uses YOUR SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER and messes up your credit!!!!!!!!!!!!?

If this person applied for loan or credit card, it means the loan document or the credit card should have gone to her address or the company address. That is how you prove it because even if it went to the company address, her names is listed as AKA, so there is no way your friend's mom would know about it. First thing to do is to sing up with Equifax. (because they will actually talk to you on the phone if you are a paying client) Then, get the phone numbers of all the company she falsely applied credit for and call them and notify them it's a fraud. Cancel all the account. Tell them since she didn't sign anything and the address and name were wrong, so, she wasn't at fault. Insist that she shouldn't be paying for anything. If they argue, accuse them for accepting AKA without even verifying it was the person whose name belonged to the SS#. If they still argue, tell them she will talk to a lawyer. (However, once the charge is filed against the person, the companies are more likely to drop the case). Then call the authority (I'm not sure if FBI or police, but, try both) and file a crime report. It's an identity theft and it's a crime. She should act immediately. And keep the Equifax monitoring service.

I can't find work in my chosen career - what can I do with my life?

I worked out what I'd like to do for a living, and studied it. Now I'm seeing how difficult it is to get into my field. I currently work part-time in a job I really dislike - my wage just covers my living costs, but I still have debts from studying (I'm not talking about my student loan here), which I'm stuggling to reduce. I'm applying for jobs when they come up, but usually don't even get a reply, and haven't had a single interview this year. Various circumstances throughout last year got me very down, and I've been on Prozac now for 13 months. The only thing keeping me up, and getting me out of the house is going to the gym which I joined recently - I'm especially enjoying the yoga classes.

I'm in my mid 30s, and feel I've missed my chances. I'm not getting anywhere, I'm just slowly turning into a ghost. I can still enjoy things, though the lack of money is limiting what I can do. What's the point in carrying on?

I can't find work in my chosen career - what can I do with my life?

DON'T give up on yourself EVER. Staying physically active is a smart idea. Keep focused, and a break will come. Choose to think positive and not dwell on the negative. Good luck to you.

I can't find work in my chosen career - what can I do with my life?

Dude, you need an's the plan-

start a religion, charge huge tithes to new followers, promise them anything, abscond with the money...problems solved.

I can't find work in my chosen career - what can I do with my life?

OKay dont get discouraged. So make up your own job. Start yoru own business. Make flyers and be a personal trainer. Start a class workout for adults or kids. When you apply for jobs call them back. Let them know your serious and dedicated. Good luck.

I can't find work in my chosen career - what can I do with my life?

I am experiencing something similar to your issue...I studied and finally got my degree, only to be unable to find a job in my chosen field because of lack of I'm doing something else, making less money than any of my friends, but unlike you I've not let it get me down THAT badly...

It's a bummer, true...but ya know what? I've got great friends, I live in an area I love, my job DOES cover my bills, and if I need more money then I can always work another job (even though that would be a total drag)...things could be so much worse than they are...I'm thankful to have what I do have...and every day I wake up I consider to be a great day!

Perhaps you just need a change of outlook...we don't always get what we want...studying something in college is no guarantee that we'll use it when we graduate...our lives are pretty much what we make them...make yours wonderful! :)

I can't find work in my chosen career - what can I do with my life?

well go back to school and find a career you like! Do you like Policing, nursing, fireman!! You CAN do it!!! There are no limmits as to what you can do! The only limits we put are made by us. Keep moving forward.....I have faith in you wanna talk email me at

I can't find work in my chosen career - what can I do with my life?

There's plenty of work out there for the taking...Cleaners, catering services assistants, caretakers. Otherwise go on benefits like everyone else!

I can't find work in my chosen career - what can I do with my life?

Wow, you're totally screwed aren't you? Some people have options, but obviously you don't.

I can't find work in my chosen career - what can I do with my life?

. . . have you considered joining the Police - I'm sure a friend of mine would help you (and nothing against a %26quot;bummer%26quot; but wouldn't BH be happier as BJ?) . . .

I can't find work in my chosen career - what can I do with my life?

you really didnt say what your major was? say if it was in the medical field apply for a job below what you want and try to work your way up or in office management try applying in the mail room or a telemarketeer in a large company where there is room for moving up. just stay positive and try posting your resume to different places you would like to work dont always wait till something comes up try looking for it yourself. check back with companies you posted your resume to in about 7 to ten days and keep calling it may irratate the job but it will also show them your serious and persistant

I can't find work in my chosen career - what can I do with my life?

Find another career... when the going gets tough, yada yada yada... quitters never win and winners never blah blah blah... grey skies are gonna clear up so put on a happy whatever...

I can't find work in my chosen career - what can I do with my life?

You sound like me a couple years ago. What you need to do is look at what you chose to do initially. For whatever reason, that didn't work. Now you have to think around it, create bridges and see where they take you.

My focus was mental health, I studied that, and injured by brain. Because I didn't have mental health, I branched out into community health, didn't work, I worked in retail, didn't work, food service, no, back to school - didn't work. I finally decided to go from my original interests, mental health, to physical health. I became a personal trainer and a massage therapist. I now have tools to get work, and I feel like I can do anything. Keep at it, and don't get down on yourself. There is a lot you can still do.

I can't find work in my chosen career - what can I do with my life?

If you really want to turn this thing around and get back on your feet, you might try to get work through one of those temporary agencies (you'll find those in the yellow pages or, oftentimes they advertise in the %26quot;jobs%26quot; section of your local newspaper).. Sometimes these lead to permanent jobs. Or at least they get you out of the house, get you to mingle with people who may be in the same sort of boat you are and maybe you get to see that there are other alternatives. Good luck.

I can't find work in my chosen career - what can I do with my life?

Well it would help if you told us what you studied and what type of position you are looking for. Now if it was me I would probably see if there is any type of volunter work that I could do in my field of study. I know it sucks not to get paid for doing what you love but it will be the expierance that you need to get to the job you want. I am assuming that you have never actually worked in the field that you are applying for so when they look at your resume there is no work history but if you volunter that is concidered work history in your field. Being that you only work part time right now that should allow you the necessary time to voluntier. Like I said earlier if I new your field of study I could maybe give a little better advise.

I can't find work in my chosen career - what can I do with my life?

I'm sorry... I'm too sad to answer this question :(

Just do what you feel the best solution in your hart...


I can't find work in my chosen career - what can I do with my life?

you could keep trying to find a job in your chosen career or you could go to adult school and get a degree in some other career. You could try to become a pharmacy tech. They make like about $14-16 an hour and most hospitals are in need of them.

I can't find work in my chosen career - what can I do with my life?

What is the career path that you have selected? If you donate your time to get experience, you may end up creating more avenues for yourself.

In the meantime, focus on what works in your life. Find a place to make someone else's life better. Every time you see someone, play a game with yourself, see how many people's day you can improve just by interacting with them. See how that makes you feel.

When things are going wrong, it feels like there is no point at all. Things will improve!!!

More details please.

Contact your school and discuss techniques for getting employment.

I can't find work in my chosen career - what can I do with my life?

I seriously feel for you especially if you're feeling the effects of depression (which i can completely understand). Anything I say might sound patronising right now but from my own experiences I'd seriously try a small amount of volunteering in an area close to the career that you're trying to break into (it's always easier to get in when you work for free) which could get you the contacts and cv fodder that makes the difference in getting an interview. It's not too late to pursue a different path. You say you enjoy yoga and the gym, maybe there's a volunteering opportunity there no matter how small the time you may have available. Try to find out what help or benefits might be available to you if you're barely covering living costs. Citizens advice can advise you if you feel unable to visit a benefits office right away.

Sounds trite, but talking to someone neutral can sometimes, not always help to sort out the wood from the trees.

wishing you the very best

I can't find work in my chosen career - what can I do with my life?

Hi ya why couldn't you find what you wanted? but in the mean time you are sounding so depressed,so the first thing is to recover from this,you can't rush it but keep going out and enjoy what you are doing,meeting people and going to the gym is a great way to find contacts,for jobs etc,then when you fell better try again,have you ever heard of the saying,if at first you don't succeed try try and try again,please don't give up,i was once told life's a **** you've just got to keep shovelling it.But i know at times that the shovel can get too heavy,but keep going there is a big wide world out there for you,there is somthing and someone waiting for you,i wish you good luck and keep smiling or at least try

I did not register for the draft and now i have tried to get a student loan and denied, what can i d

I am trying to enroll in college and have applied for fed. student aid and have been denied due to not registering for the draft. What options do I have if I am age 32.

I did not register for the draft and now i have tried to get a student loan and denied, what can i do?

If you are 32 it's to late for you to register. You can only register between the ages of 18-24. You need to request a status letter from the selective service administration. ( Why didn't you register? Were you born in this country? If not what age did you enter. There are many considerations that the financial aid director can take into consideration and do a Professional Judgment. E-mail me for further help. I work in Financial Aid at a large college.

I did not register for the draft and now i have tried to get a student loan and denied, what can i do?

go try and register or call and ask them.

I did not register for the draft and now i have tried to get a student loan and denied, what can i do?

You are probably screwed unless you were to enlist, do a hitch, and go to school when you get out.

I did not register for the draft and now i have tried to get a student loan and denied, what can i do?

...register for a draft and suck it up.

I did not register for the draft and now i have tried to get a student loan and denied, what can i do?

man it seems if you go to the hit wall you turn arounf to hit the other wall I dont know, you should of done and signed up for the draft

I did not register for the draft and now i have tried to get a student loan and denied, what can i do? simply will not get aloan until you one will bend on that...

so register and bring the proof of it.

If you're not brave enough to be patriotic for your country...why should they loan you money

i swear everyone thinks they are entitled to everything these days!! our country is full of bratts

I did not register for the draft and now i have tried to get a student loan and denied, what can i do?

1. Go and register for the draft.

2. Re-apply for student loans.

I did not register for the draft and now i have tried to get a student loan and denied, what can i do?

Try appealing.

I did not register for the draft and now i have tried to get a student loan and denied, what can i do?


I did not register for the draft and now i have tried to get a student loan and denied, what can i do?

There are two sources for student loans -- the federal government and private lenders. In order to obtain most federal student loans, you will first need to file the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). In most%26lt;!--instances the FAFSA is required for all federal financial aid including federal student loans. Deferment options are available while you are still attending school at least half-time. There are four main federal loan programs.

Federal loan consolidation is for students who are in repayment status or parents who wish to extend the repayment period on their current PLUS and obtain a fixed interest rate for the life of the loan--%26gt;you can combine all of your eligible federal student loans into one loan with a Federal Consolidation Loan. Consolidating also locks the interest rate you pay on your loan.

I did not register for the draft and now i have tried to get a student loan and denied, what can i do?



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Best Regards.

Credit question...?

If you apply for a car loan using on the lot financing and you are denied after a credit check, will your credit score drop when the car lot tries approval from other companies? For instance, I applied and I was denied while I was on the lot. Then, for several weeks I received letters in the mail from several banks or banking agencies sending me letters stating that I was denied and the reasons associated with the denial. My concern is this: I never requested for the car lot to search through at least ten places for an approval. My credit was already bad, why make it that much worse?

Credit question...?

Having your credit check denied by several companies in a short timespan can adversely effect your credit score. However your situation is not applicable. Even though your credit was checked by several different finanacial institutions it was inquired on the behalf of one Lot. Therefore it counts as only one inquiry.


1 Lot - Denied 30x by 30 different banks = 1 inquiry

10 Lots- Denied by one bank at each lot = 10 inquiries

So Don't worry be Happy :)

Credit question...?


Can anyone help me with student loans? (Help quick, please!!)?

I'm 17 years old, have been graduated from high school for over 2 months now, and walk in a week. (Aka: I graduated early) I have registered for college, and am starting this fall, and have been accepted into the dorms. I applied for FAFSA, and got all of my classes and other fees waved. The only problem I have now is paying for my dorms. I'm going to be there an entire semester (and maybe more, but that all depends on how things work out) and its going to cost me over $3000. I have applied for many scholarships, grants, but have heard nothing. So now I am researching loans, but can honestly say that I don't know what to look for or anything else. My family cannot afford to pay the $650 a month for them, and neither can I (we can't even split the cost). So, if anyone can give me information on student loans or whatnot, that would be helpful!

Please and Thank You!


Can anyone help me with student loans? (Help quick, please!!)?

Go to your financial aid office and ask for assistance for this. Dormitory charges are normally included in a student's budget, but if you decided to live in the dorms after you told them (on the FAFSA) that you would live at home, it may not have been considered.

Your first thoughts should be for a Federal Stafford or Direct loan for the lowest interest rates and best terms. Your school will advise you which it processes and then, if you go the Stafford route, find a bank that offers them and go through the application process. Direct lending schools will do the process for you and with you.

Can anyone help me with student loans? (Help quick, please!!)?

Most banks have student loans. I have my loans through wachovia. Some schools also have their own loans, you may want to check into that, they are usually easier to get but come on a first come first served basis. Also Sallie Mae is a big student loan company don't forget to check them out.

Credit Card Application Unsuccessful?

Just entered a new company and will be needing credit card for work. So started to apply for them. Currently received unsuccessful results from 2 banks. No reasons given and this is how they going to help? With meeting of the cap to apply and knowing that I have not taken up any loans or debts. Why does my applications keep failing?

Credit Card Application Unsuccessful?

Call them and find out, they will tell you exactly the reason .. you might be able to give them some info and they may reconsider ... have your credit reports sent to you so you can take a look at them and make sure there is nothing inaccurate on there

Good Luck!

Credit Card Application Unsuccessful?

Yeah, right... in Singapore? Ms. Marcos (phantom votes) Report It

Credit Card Application Unsuccessful?

What kind of work do you do that requires you to get a credit card? No normal company will expect its employee to get a credit card to work for them. Just want to warn you about potential scams.

I recommend:

1) You should have received an adverse action notice from your bank. You can contact them and ask them the reason your application was declined.

2) You should also get a copy of your credit report so that you can review what is on your credit history. You can get one from whichever credit bureau the bank used (should be in their adverse action notice), or you can get one from each of the credit bureau. Federal law allows you to get a free report each year.

3) If you have never had any loans or debts, that would likely be the reason you get turned down. Banks won't extend credit to someone who does not have a credit history. They simply can't judge your creditworthiness.

4) If that is the case, what you can do is:

- Open up a retail card account at a store such as Sears, Best Buy, Home Depot or Macy's. Use it to buy something you really want/need, then promptly pay it every month (or pay it off all at once). The point is to maintain a clean credit. You will start building up credit and may qualify after 12 months.

- Request for a student credit card (if you are a student) or a secured credit card. Both of these cards will likely have a low limit ($300 to $500). With a secure credit card, you will have to put a deposit down first. This is another way to start establishing credit.

Good Luck!

Just Be!

Credit Card Application Unsuccessful?

It sound like you have no credit history, therefore you have no credit, therefore you can't get any credit. Now if you were a college student, you can qualify for credit easily - go figure.

You need to establish some credit by paying some bills. Even utility bills might help. Go to a bank that your parents used or you have a savings/checking account with and ask them for advice.

On the other end, DO NOT pay any significant work expense with your money. A legitimate company will give you an advance or a company credit card whether you have credit cards or not. With a company credit card all you need do is justify the expense. They pay it off and pay interest charges if they accrue.

With an advance, you can use a credit card, if you get one, as you know you have the money to pay it off when it is due.

When you determine how quickly the reimbursement paperwork goes thru you can plan your credit card. They aren't going to pay your interest expenses unless you can make a case that it was their fault and you have no personal charges on the account.

Credit Card Application Unsuccessful?

Debit card is as good as Credit... Advantages and disadvantages...

Credit Card Application Unsuccessful?

You should make sure there is nothing wrong on your credit report, also you can get a credit card if your credit isn't the best.

Have a look here...


Credit Card Application Unsuccessful?

hello may name is kim an what you need to do is get an credit report an see whats on your credit that will be stopping you form get an credit card.But don't keep apply b/c that not good for your credit.

I am applying for Graduate School and hoping to secure all of the 20,500 that is available for direc

at the Graduate level...I have filled out my FAFSA and it says that my EFC is 7641....Is that a good number in hopes of securing as much as the 20,500 as possible ? Are there any financial aid gurus here that know this ? Thanks!

I am applying for Graduate School and hoping to secure all of the 20,500 that is available for direct loans?

In order for you to receive the max loan amount of $20,500, your Cost of Attendance would have to be at least that much(each schools COA is different) AND your EFC would have to be zero.

So to get an estimate of the amount you can borrow you need to find out your schools cost of attendance. Usually schools have this information posted on their website. Note: this is not the amount of your tuition, books and fees. Look for a figure posted that includes such things as transportation, room and board and personal.

If this amount is more than $20,500 then you would subtract that amount from your efc. Example: (7641- 20,500 = 12,859) and this MIGHT be a good estimate of the maximum you can borrow.

If the cost of attendance at your school is less - say 12,000, then theoretically the max amount you could borrow would be (7641-12,000 = $4,359). This is just a logical guess and I could certainly be wrong, you would need to talk to the fin aid office to be sure.

Good Luck.

I am applying for Graduate School and hoping to secure all of the 20,500 that is available for direct loans?

Money is the prior requirement for education especially higher education. Today, education plays a vital role in the modern life so if you are interested for your further studies and eager to turn your directions; finance acts an obstacle then avail loans for students.

Loans for students are designed keeping in mind student閳ユ獨 precious studies which entail lot of money to build the career of the person. Loans for students help the students from various age groups to support their education. Though, student belonging to various sections of society feels secure to opt for the student loan. Loans for students help the student to deal with all the expenses that are to be incurred during his education phase like it includes entire cost of the student閳ユ獨 education from tuition fees, accommodation, books, and computers to transportation and many more.

Loans for students are opened for various courses like regular, part-time, distance education etc. Therefore, depending upon the cash need borrower can avail secured or unsecured options. In secured loans for students lender favors him lower interest rate and greater amount which is borrowed for larger repaying duration. Apart from that in unsecured loans for students borrower is accountable to smaller amount and it comes at higher interest rate. Therefore, if you are searching for the student loans then you can avail many options that are suitable to your requirement.

Before raising loans for students borrower must look into the amount that a course require so that on basis of the amount borrower can raise the loan amount. This amount is depended upon the fees and other expenses that the borrowers want to cover under student loans. Student with bad credit can also avail loans for students as for that student have to take the loan along with a co-signer who has a good credit history. This way interest rate is also lowered otherwise they may charged little higher interest rate.

Banks, financial institutions, online lenders etc are ready to offer the loans for students. But students considering their precious time and finds easy to via online as it provides easy access than other source. There are a large number of requirements other than college or course fees. Some of the most crucial are computer expense, hostel charges, books and so on. The best college student loans are one which comprises all such expenses. But, to qualify for any such one, you have to give it your best shot as far search is concerned. Such purpose can be accomplished by exploring World Wide Web. You will find an innumerable number of lenders offering college student loans.

College student loans are the most lenient, as well as, flexible one. The interest rates of college student loans are nominal enough and above all, you will have ample time to carry out the repayment of the loan amount. It is usually after you have finished with your education and taken up some job.

The lenders trust students and you will also have to upkeep their confidence by making timely repayment of the loan amount of college student loans. Make sure to plan some schedule to repay the loan amount in advance to avoid any future trouble. You would also like to begin your career with unstained financial record.

Hello, does anyone have any advise on how to do a business plan?

I've made up my mind on starting my own child care business. I was told I need to present a business plan to apply for a loan. I have no idea how to start the business plan?!

Hello, does anyone have any advise on how to do a business plan?

I would talk to a business counselor before doing anything especially spending money. I'd call the local office of SCORE (go to and input your zip code to find the chapter nearest you), the advice is FREE.

The counselor at SCORE will most likely help you to write a business plan which will force you to dig out all of the start up details and the costs of starting a child care business and force you to also understand all of the aspects of this business including the subscribers you'll concentrate on (your market ) and how you'll go after them.

You'll need to register the business with your state controller's office and make sure that you have any city and county licenses if any are needed where you live. All of this will come out in a business plan.

Try this link : and read some of the articles especially the ones about a business plan and starting a business.

Hello, does anyone have any advise on how to do a business plan?

You have to assess what you have and what you will ned to perform the business functions and justify that you will see profits (ROI) to the lender. I assume they are asking for equity as well.

Hello, does anyone have any advise on how to do a business plan?

hi yes i do have one...i use this resource on my homebased job

hope you find it very useful too! have a super day Laura

Hello, does anyone have any advise on how to do a business plan?

Go to and type in 'business plan child care' and you'll get a lot of good ideas off that.

I am applying for Graduate School and hoping to secure all of the 20,500 that is available for direc

at the Graduate level...I have filled out my FAFSA and it says that my EFC is 7641....Is that a good number in hopes of securing as much as the 20,500 as possible ? Are there any financial aid gurus here that know this ? Thanks!

I am applying for Graduate School and hoping to secure all of the 20,500 that is available for direct loans?

In order for you to receive the max loan amount of $20,500, your Cost of Attendance would have to be at least that much(each schools COA is different) AND your EFC would have to be zero.

So to get an estimate of the amount you can borrow you need to find out your schools cost of attendance. Usually schools have this information posted on their website. Note: this is not the amount of your tuition, books and fees. Look for a figure posted that includes such things as transportation, room and board and personal.

If this amount is more than $20,500 then you would subtract that amount from your efc. Example: (7641- 20,500 = 12,859) and this MIGHT be a good estimate of the maximum you can borrow.

If the cost of attendance at your school is less - say 12,000, then theoretically the max amount you could borrow would be (7641-12,000 = $4,359). This is just a logical guess and I could certainly be wrong, you would need to talk to the fin aid office to be sure.

Good Luck.

I am applying for Graduate School and hoping to secure all of the 20,500 that is available for direct loans?

Money is the prior requirement for education especially higher education. Today, education plays a vital role in the modern life so if you are interested for your further studies and eager to turn your directions; finance acts an obstacle then avail loans for students.

Loans for students are designed keeping in mind student閳ユ獨 precious studies which entail lot of money to build the career of the person. Loans for students help the students from various age groups to support their education. Though, student belonging to various sections of society feels secure to opt for the student loan. Loans for students help the student to deal with all the expenses that are to be incurred during his education phase like it includes entire cost of the student閳ユ獨 education from tuition fees, accommodation, books, and computers to transportation and many more.

Loans for students are opened for various courses like regular, part-time, distance education etc. Therefore, depending upon the cash need borrower can avail secured or unsecured options. In secured loans for students lender favors him lower interest rate and greater amount which is borrowed for larger repaying duration. Apart from that in unsecured loans for students borrower is accountable to smaller amount and it comes at higher interest rate. Therefore, if you are searching for the student loans then you can avail many options that are suitable to your requirement.

Before raising loans for students borrower must look into the amount that a course require so that on basis of the amount borrower can raise the loan amount. This amount is depended upon the fees and other expenses that the borrowers want to cover under student loans. Student with bad credit can also avail loans for students as for that student have to take the loan along with a co-signer who has a good credit history. This way interest rate is also lowered otherwise they may charged little higher interest rate.

Banks, financial institutions, online lenders etc are ready to offer the loans for students. But students considering their precious time and finds easy to via online as it provides easy access than other source. There are a large number of requirements other than college or course fees. Some of the most crucial are computer expense, hostel charges, books and so on. The best college student loans are one which comprises all such expenses. But, to qualify for any such one, you have to give it your best shot as far search is concerned. Such purpose can be accomplished by exploring World Wide Web. You will find an innumerable number of lenders offering college student loans.

College student loans are the most lenient, as well as, flexible one. The interest rates of college student loans are nominal enough and above all, you will have ample time to carry out the repayment of the loan amount. It is usually after you have finished with your education and taken up some job.

The lenders trust students and you will also have to upkeep their confidence by making timely repayment of the loan amount of college student loans. Make sure to plan some schedule to repay the loan amount in advance to avoid any future trouble. You would also like to begin your career with unstained financial record.