Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Need Free Money?

Can anyone help me find a government organization, specifically a grant that will help me pay off my student loans and debt.

If you know of a specific organization I would greatly appreciate it. I really need money and fast. I am having trouble finding a job and I am in default on my student loans.

Can anyone find me some money?

If you know of an organization that I can apply for a grant, that would be perfect.

Need Free Money?

Unfortunately, it does not come as easy as the television commercials state. Usually, there are conditions to meet in order to get it, and sometimes it can't happen if your student loans are consolidated. For example, the Peace Corps will knock 15% off your student loans for each year of service up to 70% of the student loans. The programs range from 1-5 years of service that I list below.

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