I'm a junior and need some tips about going to college. First-off i'm definetly going but for example, when applying to college, is there a limit to how many i can apply to? Or like when i should apply. How should i apply? Should i call in or is there something online?
With paying for college, what path should i take? Government Loans? Wachoiva Bank Student Loans? What about scholorships? How to recieve those?
Just need some basics about college info, it would be very helpful!
Thank You!
Going to College - How - Steps - Scholorships - HELP!!?
for scholarships, go to fastweb.com and get you an account there. its free and can help you in getting entry forms for all kinds of scholarships. and probably going to a community college or something for your basics isnt a bad idea. its ALOT cheaper and gives you more time to save up for the big days at a university.
Going to College - How - Steps - Scholorships - HELP!!?
You can apply to as many places as you wish.
As to finances, you should talk with a financial aid officer to find out what steps you need to take to get the money you require for school.
Going to College - How - Steps - Scholorships - HELP!!?
there is no limit. most colleges have their applications online, if they don't they will have contact information. alot of colleges take the common application, which can also be found online. you will fill out the FAFSA the year you go to college, this form will be used to determine how much you and your parents should be able to pay, how much the college will give you in grants, and how much you will be asked to take out in a loan. colleges will all differ on how much they are willing to give you in a grant, and some do work aid programs where you work on campus to help pay for tuition. as for who to take the loan out with, who ever you want to.
Going to College - How - Steps - Scholorships - HELP!!?
Apply to as many colleges as you want, but they each have application fees. make sure that you qualify for the ones you apply so you do not waste money. Look up the schools websites to get the admission packet. You can go to the library or the bookstore to get the Princeton review of colleges to help you get a rough idea about the schools.
Hopefully you have taken the SAT, if not sign up ASAP to take the next one (probably in the fall). you will need to give them a list of schools to send your results.
Each school has admission deadlines. If they do not, November 15th is a good date to keep in mind.
Fastweb is a great site, but do not let it be your only source. research your town. Many groups like Rotary, Lions, AAUW, and others give scholarships to local kids. Also if your parents went to college somewhere you may want to go, many schools offer legacy scholarships.
Read each school financial aid info when you apply. You often have to submit financial applications BEFORE you get acceptance letters.
Avoid student loans if you can. Depending on your financial situation, you may need to, but go with all other options first -- scholarships, grants, go with government loans first, then private.
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